Together, we want to make allergy a hot topic in this election. Right now, candidates and activists from all political parties will be out and about in your area, speaking to local people about what they want to deliver for you and your family. They want to chat, and they also want to listen to you! So, let’s get out there and talk to them about allergies - and ask this One-Question:

If elected, will they pledge to meet with you and ‘The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation’ after the election, to discuss the need for an Allergy Tsar and raise the issue of allergy in Parliament?

The candidates and activists who you engage with over the next few weeks, could end up being the next generation of law-makers. So take the opportunity to tell them about your family’s experiences of living with allergies. Tell them about the challenges you face, the issues that affect your daily life, and how for too long, allergy has been a low priority in this country.

Five ways to ask your One-Question:

1. Stop and chat

Take any chance you can to speak to your candidate in person, on the phone, on the doorstep, in the street or go along to one of their events. Here are some speaking notes if you need them.

2. Reply to emails, surveys or letters you receive

Whenever your candidate sends you a letter, leaflet, survey or email, send a reply. Use the model email template.

Tell them about your experiences of living with allergies and ask them the One Question.

3. Use social media

Use social media to make contact with your local candidate. And don’t forget to promote your contact with your candidate on social media and tag us in @natashasfoundation

4. Let us know how you get on

If you get a response from your local candidate, or have a successful conversation on the doorstep, please get in touch and tell us all about it. 

And don’t forget to make a note of the name and email address of the person you spoke to so you can contact them again in the future.

5. Email your local candidate

Here is a model text for an email if you need it.

If you don’t know who’s standing in your area, you can find out here using your postcode: