A coalition of more than 50 leading allergy voices calls for the next Government to appoint an Allergy Tsar.

A coalition of families of children and young people who have died from allergic reactions, doctors, lawyers, celebrities, food businesses, and campaigners have joined forces to urge the next Government to appoint an Allergy Tsar.

More than 50 leading allergy voices have signed the open letter by The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation, the UK’s food allergy charity, published today (Monday June 24).

They include Love Island star Jack Fowler, 28, who has revealed how he was rushed to hospital following a terrifying allergic reaction to peanuts on a recent flight to Dubai.

The letter urges the parties contesting the General Election on July 4 to pledge that if they form the next Government ‘to give greater priority to allergy and commit to appointing the Allergy Tsar, to develop a coherent approach to allergies in this country, and ensure those affected get the care they need’.

Nadim and Tanya Ednan-Laperouse OBE, who set up the charity after their daughter Natasha died at the age of 15 from an allergic reaction to sesame, said:

‘This is an opportunity for the next Government to lead and tackle this modern-day epidemic that affects thousands of people in every constituency.

‘Voters support the appointment of an Allergy Tsar; 20,000 people signed a Parliamentary petition calling for the appointment of a tsar.

‘Now is the time to act to prevent more unnecessary deaths and ill health from allergy. How many more children can we afford to lose through largely preventable fatal allergic reactions?’

Megan McKenna, an ambassador for Natasha’s Foundation, said:

‘I am supporting the Natasha Foundation’s campaign urging the next Government to give greater priority to allergies and appoint an Allergy Tsar because many people with allergies feel unheard, misunderstood and do not receive the care they need.

‘It’s time to give a voice to the millions of people with allergies in this country. I hope the next Government will appoint an Allergy Tsar who can champion the needs of these people.’

Jack Fowler, an ambassador for Natasha’s Foundation, said:

‘I am delighted to give my support to the Natasha’s Foundation’s campaign urging the Government to appoint an Allergy Tsar.

‘We desperately need a national lead to stand up for people like me with allergies. I hope the next Government will listen to the millions of people with allergies, and take action to appoint an Allergy Tsar.’

Megan Mckenna, Natasha’s Foundation Ambassador

Jack Fowler, Natasha’s Foundation Ambassador


More than 50 leading allergy voices have signed the ‘Open Letter’ by The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation:


Add your name to our Open Letter:

Thank you for adding your name to our open letter to the party leaders to ask that the next Government give greater priority to allergy and commit to appointing the Allergy Tsar, to develop a coherent approach to allergies in this country and ensure those affected get the care they need.

“This is an opportunity for the next Government to lead and tackle this modern-day epidemic that affects thousands of people in every constituency.”

- Nadim & Tanya Ednan-Laperouse OBE, Founders of The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation.


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