Join us in calling on the Government to introduce an Allergy Tsar

Together, we want to make allergy a hot topic for the new Government. Writing to politicians is a great way for you to help us to raise awareness of allergies. It’s quick and easy, plus it helps your MP to understand your concerns about allergies and to better represent you in Parliament.

What can my MP do about the issues that concern me?

It’s your MP’s job to make your voice heard in Parliament whether you voted for them or not. They represent their local area and can raise concerns on behalf of residents.

They can:

  • vote on issues in Parliament.

  • write to the Government Minister responsible for an issue or make an appointment to see them to discuss concerns.

  • ask questions in Parliament about the issues you raise.

  • ask for a debate in Parliament. A relevant Minister will always attend this debate to respond to your MP on behalf of the Government.

We send research and briefings to MPs, but the most effective way to get them to take an issue like allergy seriously is to show how much it matters to local people.

Who is my MP and what is their email address?

Here you can use your postcode to check who your local MP is and find their email address

Alternatively, you can also call the House of Commons Information Office on 020 7219 4272 and don’t forget if you are active on social media you can build a relationship with your MP online.

Top tips for emailing your MP

Introduce yourself as a constituent. As a constituent, your views and interests are a priority for your MP.

Moreover, many MPs will only respond to emails from their constituents so ensure you give home address details.

Please be polite and to the point, and if you can - tell a personal story.

An introduction outlining why action for those living with allergies is important to you, and the impact it has, with a final note on what you want the MP to do is ideal.

Here you can ask your MP to support The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation’s Allergy Tsar campaign, which is calling on the Government to introduce a national champion to work to improve care and support for people with allergies.

Email your local MP

Click the button below for model text for an email if you need it. If you need more help, or information, or if you get a reply from your MP that you’d like to share with us, please email