It's the most wonder/anxious time of the year...

It’s the most wonder/anxious time of the year...but we want you to have the most 'wonderful' time of the year!

If you have food allergies, as the Christmas celebrations and parties begin, you can find yourself filled with anxieties about how to keep safe. The reality is that whether you're an allergic adult or child, some exclusion at this time of year will be inevitable, whether it's events such as the school Christmas dinner or going to the office party.

During the Christmas holidays, everything is on a larger and grander scale, not least all the food that's prepared and eaten and at the centre of all the festivities.

If you feel isolated in your worries, we encourage you to speak up this Christmas; ask for help, talk through your fears and concerns with others, and ask them to help you make life easier and less stressful. Please don't feel alone - remember it should be the most wonderful time of the year and with some well-thought-through pre-planning and goodwill from others, you can enjoy it as much as others, and you can stop worrying.

This Christmas,

🎄 Do you worry you are spoiling it for everyone else?

🌺 Do you worry for your or your child's safety?

🎄 Are you a parent who is staying home with your family to keep them safe?

🌺 Have you declined to attend your office Christmas party for fears about food?


🎄 Have you voiced your worries around food and allergens and those around you are doing what they can to ensure your Christmas is truly 'WONDERFUL!'?