Families need help with inquests

The relatives of Celia Marsh, the mum of 5 who died from fatal anaphylaxis after eating a Pret ‘vegan’ wrap, have said that families need help to fund inquests of loved ones. This resonates strongly with our own experience.

"In the 18 months after Natasha died, we spent most of our own savings on legal fees, trying and failing to navigate the complex coronial system.

"We didn't know where to turn as the money ran out. Then we met our local MP Andy Slaughter and he introduced us to Leigh Day solicitors who took on our case.

"We were fortunate, but we know from personal experience that other families who have lost loved ones to food allergies have ended up in coroner's courts with little or no legal representation and ultimately no answers.

It is no exaggeration to say that without our legal support, we wouldn't have got justice for Natasha, exposed the loophole in the law that led to her death, or successfully campaigned for Natasha's Law, which has been a game-changer for people living with food allergies.”
Nadim Ednan-Laperouse OBE

Image: Nadim with Celia Marsh's brother, Gareth Gower

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