Kayleigh’s Powerful Story of Anaphylaxis on a Train

Kayleigh is sharing her experience of anaphylaxis whilst travelling on a train. Her story outlines why accurate knowledge of what to do in an allergic/anaphylactic emergency is so important. When anaphylaxis strikes, it can escalate quickly, so knowing exactly what to do is essential.

"Recently while on a train, a passenger sitting near me was eating peanuts. I have a peanut allergy including to airborne peanut and it triggered an anaphylactic reaction. My friend who was with me and the train staff were amazing, showing great concern. I administered my EpiPen and they called an ambulance that was waiting for me at the next station.

"I remembered the young man George Cadman who a few months ago experienced such a catastrophic anaphylactic reaction that it has left him with brain damage. Good Morning Britain interviewed his brave mum to raise important awareness about what to do (and not to do) if you suspect you're experiencing anaphylaxis.

"As I lay on the floor and raised my legs whilst we waited for emergency services to arrive, I believe this action may have slowed everything down.

It was very scary but I'm thankfully okay now. I had no idea before that if you're experiencing anaphylaxis, you mustn't run anywhere but should lie down and raise your legs until help arrives.

"The awareness you bring through Natasha's Foundation page is invaluable. Thanks for sharing this information and thank you to George’s mum, for being so brave to speak out."

@‌knhuntx 💜